Monday, July 5, 2021

Data Security 11

Storage of Personal Data in the Cloud

The storage of personal data in the cloud causes the data controller, who is obliged to protect it according to the law, prevent unlawful processing and access, and leave his own information technology system network. At the same time, this situation brings some risks, as it causes personal data to be processed by cloud storage service providers.


For this reason, the data controller should evaluate whether the security measures taken by the cloud storage service provider are sufficient and appropriate.

In this context, it is recommended that the personal data stored in the cloud be known in detail, backed up, synchronized, and, if necessary, applying a two-stage authentication check for remote access to this personal data.

During the storage and use of personal data in the aforementioned systems, it is necessary to encrypt it with cryptographic methods, encrypt it in cloud environments, and use separate encryption keys for personal data where possible, especially for each cloud solution that is serviced.

When the cloud computing service relationship ends; all copies of encryption keys that may serve to render personal data usable must also be destroyed.

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